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Streamline your project organization with our tools
53 articles
Create a Project Using Templates
Automation in Projects
Attach Docs in Projects
Attach Files in Projects
Collaborate & Discuss Changes in Projects
Check Project Progress Using Dashboard
Embed Files in Projects
Export Projects into a CSV or Excel file
Automatically Get Email Updates for completed tasks
Manage Projects Using Calendar View
Import Projects using a CSV or Excel file
Receive Project Updates via Outlook Mail
Automatically reassign Tasks based on Project progress
Chat with Project
Manage Sprints in Projects
Manage Projects in Kroolo
Create Projects Using Blank Template
Create Project with AI (voice prompt)
Invite a Team Member to Collaborate in a Project
Manage Project Workloads
Edit a Project in Kroolo
Archive and Unarchive Projects
Duplicate a Project in Kroolo
Move a Project to a Different Workspace
Filter Projects in Kroolo
Timeline View
Share Projects in Kroolo
Remove Member from a Project
Add Risk in Projects
Create Custom Automations in Projects
Managing Project Views
Managing Custom Columns
Custom Dashboard using AI
Gmail Automation
Project updates using AI
Create Project using AI
Introduction to My Tasks
Introduction to Inbox
Create Sub tasks using AI
Create Dependencies in Task
Add a Checklist in Tasks
Add Docs in Tasks
Add comments in Tasks
Attach Files in Tasks
Update multiple Task properties
How to Convert a Task into a Subtask
Create and Manage Tasks
Move Tasks between projects
Duplicate Tasks
Summarize Tasks using Kroolo AI
Find similar Tasks using Kroolo AI
Generate Task descriptions using Kroolo AI
Chat with Tasks using Kroolo AI