Manage Projects in Kroolo
Welcome to Kroolo, the Smart Productivity Powerhouse. In this guide, we'll learn how to manage multiple projects in Kroolo, effortlessly.
1. Select Workspace
Start by selecting the appropriate workspace to manage your projects effectively.
2. Navigate to the Project Section
Begin by navigating to the Project section within your selected workspace.
Observe the existing projects displayed.
3. Rearrange Projects
Organize your projects to match your preferences. Drag and drop projects to rearrange them. Proceed to rename a project.
4. Rename a Project
Personalize your project names for clarity. Click on the pencil icon βοΈ next to the project name, input the new name, and press "Enter".
5. Adjust Project Status
Keep track of your project's progress by adjusting its status.
Select the appropriate status from the dropdown menu.
6. Change Project Priority
Prioritize your projects to focus on what's most important. Change the project priority by selecting the desired level.
7. Set the Project's Start Date
Define when your project begins to keep timelines clear. Set the project's start date by selecting from the calendar.
8. Modify the Project's End Date
Ensure deadlines are met by setting a clear end date. Modify the project's end date as needed.
9. Review the Project Owner's Name
Confirm the project owner to ensure accountability.
Check the project owner's name displayed in the project details.
10. Access More Options
Click on the three dots (...) next to the project name to edit, invite or manage members, duplicate, move, archive, or delete the project.
11. Use the Search and Filter Function
Quickly locate specific projects in your workspace. Use the search bar and filter function to find projects.
12. Import Projects
Import projects from different tools if needed.
13. Create a New Project
Click on the "New Project" icon at the top or bottom of the screen to create a new project.
Alternatively, use the New Project icon at the bottom.
14. Change the Project Icon Color
Customize your project icons for easy identification.
Click on the project icon, choose the desired color, and observe the change.
You've successfully completed the process on managing projects with Kroolo.