Create and Manage Tasks in Kroolo
Welcome to Kroolo, the smart productivity powerhouse. This guide will walk through creating and managing tasks.
📌 Creating a Task
1. Navigate to Projects
Go to the Projects section to view all your available projects.
2. Open Your Project
Click on a specific project to see a list of all tasks organized in different groups.
3. Add a New Task
Click on the plus icon next to the group name or select the Add Task option.
4. Enter Task Details
Type in the task name and then click Save.
📌 Editing a Task
1. Rename the Task
Click on the pencil icon next to the task name to rename it.
2. Change the Status
Click on the current status name and select a new status from the dropdown list.
3. Adjust the Priority
Click on the priority level and choose a new priority from the options.
4. Set a Due Date
Click on the calendar icon, select a date, and click Apply.
5. Assign Team Members
Choose a team member from the list to assign the task to them.
6. Access Additional Options
Click on the three dots for more task options.
7. Mark as Done
Once the task is completed, click on Mark as Done.
📌 Managing Multiple Tasks
1. Select Multiple Tasks
Click the checkbox next to each task you wish to select.
2. Modify Selected Tasks
You can change the status, set priorities, adjust due dates, assign team members, or delete all selected tasks.
3. Dismiss Selection
Click on Dismiss to remove the selection.
📌 Detailed Task Preview
1. Access Detailed Preview
Click on the task name to open a detailed view.
2. Modify Task Details
Adjust details such as type, status, priority, start and due dates, assignees, estimated time, actual time, and tags.
3. Add Additional Information
Include a description, custom fields, dependencies, links, attachments, and subtasks.
4. Collaborate with Your Team
Create a checklist and collaborate with team members in the comments section.
5. Attach Documents
Attach relevant documents and view the history of task modifications.
📌 Searching and Grouping Tasks
1. Group and Filter Tasks
Use various parameters to group tasks, apply filters, or search for a specific task.
2. Utilize Board View
Switch to the board view to visualize tasks in different groups and cards.
3. Modify Task Properties
Change the status, priority, tags, assignees, and due date as needed. You can also view subtasks.
4. Manage Subtasks
Click on the dropdown to expand or hide the list of subtasks.
5. Add a Checklist
Add a checklist and collaborate with team members in the comment section.
This is how to create and manage tasks in Kroolo.