Share Updates on Goals
Welcome to Kroolo, your smart productivity powerhouse. Here in this guide we'll help you to share updates on your goals.
1. Open a Goal
Begin by selecting the specific goal you want to update.
2. Go to the Update Section
In the goal view, locate and navigate to the Update section.
3. Understand the Update Sections
The update section is divided into two parts👇
What’s Accomplished: for noting progress and milestones.
Blocker: for highlighting any obstacles or issues.
4. Update What’s Accomplished
In the What’s Accomplished section, add updates relevant to the goal’s key results.
For example, type: "All images are now optimized" and then click Send.
Notice that this update now appears in the accomplishments list.
5. Add Blockers
Move to the Blocker section to list any challenges that are affecting progress.
For instance, type: "Missing else tags in ten blog posts" and press Send.
6. Review Updates
Observe that your blocker now appears in the list. You can now see both accomplishments and blockers in the update section, giving your team a clear view of your progress and any challenges.
By following these steps, you can effectively keep your team informed about goal progress and any issues that need addressing.