Manage Plans in Kroolo
Welcome to Kroolo, the Smart Productivity Powerhouse. This guide provides a step-by-step walk-through on managing plans in Kroolo.
1. Access Your Profile
Click on your profile icon to get started.
2. Navigate to Settings
From the dropdown menu, select the Settings option.
3. Open the Plan Section
Proceed to the Plan section to manage your subscription.
4. Review Billing Options
At the top, find two sections:
Annual Billing
Monthly Billing
Compare the plan details for each option.
5. Explore Available Plans
View the three available plans:
Startup Plan (Free): Features accessible with no cost.
Plus Plan (Current plan): Includes additional features.
Business Plan: Advanced features for premium users.
Each plan’s details are displayed for comparison.
6. Downgrade Your Plan
Select the Downgrade option if you wish to move to a lower plan.
7. Upgrade Your Plan
To upgrade, click Upgrade. This will direct you to the Billing Page to complete the payment process.
8. View Complete Features List
Select the Complete Features List option to view the features available in premium plans.
9. Try the Free Trial
If the Free Trial hasn’t been activated yet, click Try Free Trial at the bottom of the features list.
10. Subscribe to the Free Trial
Follow the prompts to activate and enjoy the free trial.
With these steps, managing your subscription plans in Kroolo becomes simple and efficient.