Invite a new member to workspace
Welcome to Kroolo, Your Smart Productivity Powerhouse. In this guide, we'll walk you through the steps to invite a new member to your workspace.
1. Start on the Dashboard
Begin on the dashboard where multiple workspaces are visible.
2. Select the Workspace
Choose the workspace to which a team member should be invited by clicking on the three dots next to the workspace name.
3. Choose "Invite Member"
From the drop down menu, select the option to invite a member.
4. Enter Team Member's Information
In the provided field, enter the team member's email address or name.
5. Select or Input the Team Member
Choose the team member from the dropdown list. If this is their first invitation, input their email address manually.
6. Adjust Access Settings
Set the access level for the invited member. Choose either edit access or view access to the workspace.
7. Send the Invitation
Click on "Send" to send the invitation.
After sending the invitation, a confirmation message will appear indicating that a member has been invited to the workspace.
8. View and Manage Members
Click on "Members" to view a list of individuals with access to the workspace.
This list allows you to modify access settings at any time. To remove a member, click on the "Remove" option.
Important Note📢
To invite a member to a workspace, the workspace must be public. If it's a private workspace, the "Invite Member" option will be grayed out.
To invite members to a private workspace, first, make it public. Then, the option to invite new members will become available.